Friday, November 20, 2015

French Prime Minister says some of the Paris attackers slipped into the country...

via Yahoo
Some of the suspects in the Paris attacks took advantage of Europe's migrant crisis to "slip in" unnoticed, the French premier said Thursday, warning the EU needed to "take responsibility" over border controls
Then this...
More than 800,000 migrants and refugees have arrived this year and Valls said some of the Paris attackers had turned the chaos to their advantage.
"These individuals took advantage of the refugee crisis... of the chaos, perhaps, for some of them to slip in" to France, he said on the France 2 television station.
"Others were in Belgium already. And others, I must remind you, were in France."
Earlier, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Paris had received "no information" from other European countries about Abaaoud's arrival on the continent, despite the fact he was a known jihadist and the subject of an international arrest warrant.
Police sources said a tip-off from Moroccan intelligence had helped track 28-year-old Abaaoud to the building where he died on Wednesday along with a woman thought to be his cousin, who detonated an explosives vest.

We were told earlier that all the terrorist were homegrown.  Now its that some slipped into the country.  Which is it?

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