Sunday, November 29, 2015

Geez! Stop with the navigation errors!

via Brietbart
After accidentally crossing the border into Mexico with guns in his vehicle, a highly decorated former Marine was detained with his children and later released. He had accidentally crossed the border with hunting rifles after taking a wrong turn in Texas.
Retired Marine First Sergeant Jeromie Slaughter, 38, decided to take his 14-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter on a hunting trip to a deer lease located near Rocksprings, Texas,according to His family said he had not been to the lease before and made a wrong turn.
Rocksprings is located approximately 70 miles from the Texas/Mexico border at Del Rio.
Slaughter’s family said he ended up on a road that led to Ciudad Acuna, Mexico. “He knew they were lost and when he seen the sign that said ‘no guns,’ you know, no weapons, he knew that he had gone too far,” Slaughter’s mother Beverly McKinney, told the Houston TV station.
He apparently ended up on a bridge leading to Mexico and realized he had nowhere to go. Upon arriving at the Mexican border crossing checkpoint, Slaughter asked for permission to turn around and return to the U.S. The Mexican authorities said no and detained him and his children after they discovered the three rifles and several dozen rounds of ammunition he was carrying.
Ya know.  This is getting tiresome.  What is it with Marines and the border with Mexico.  I get the gun part.  I don't get the idea of making a navigation error that has you riding into Mexico.  If I had to get on the side of the road cross the median and then risk getting ticketed by Texas law enforcement that would be preferable to dealing with Mexican police.  Even if I drew the attention of Border Patrol or INS agents it would still be better than crossing the border.

The only good news?  They were able to get this wrapped up quickly.  

To my fellow Marines I'd simply ask this.  Check your freaking maps and stop acting like boot LTs on their first field exercise.  I hope this doesn't happen again but if it does...please God let it be an Airman.

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