Friday, November 06, 2015

Homegrown barbarity. 9 year old lured into an alley and murdered...

via ABC News.
A 9-year-old Chicago boy who was fatally shot this week was "lured" from a park into an alley and executed because of his father's alleged gang connections, police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said Thursday in a crime he described as among the most "unfathomable" of his 35 years in policing.
Tyshawn Lee, an elementary school student headed to his grandmother's house, was shot in the head and back Monday in a neighborhood alley on the city's South Side.
McCarthy told reporters Thursday that the slaying was the result of two gangs fighting, potentially in a string of retaliatory events dating back months. He said the boy's father isn't cooperating with police.
Read this heartbreaking, disgusting, wall punching story here.

FUCK!!!!  This one plays with my heart strings.  Spike Lee has a movie coming out called "CHI-RAQ".  He goes on to call for gun control.

The issue isn't guns.  The issue is a lack of decency and morals.  Luring a 9 year old into an alley to murder him because of some bullshit gang stuff?  That goes beyond barbaric and into demonic.

Just plain FUCK!

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