Wednesday, November 18, 2015

So China was running ops in Syria!

Thanks to Brody for the link!

via RT 
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has confirmed that Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has executed a Chinese national in the Middle East. The ministry has vowed to bring the perpetrators “to justice.”

China has confirmed the identity of the victim as Fan Jinghui. He had been previously identified by the terrorists as a 50-year-old freelance consultant from Beijing.
The man was apparently featured in the terrorist group’s magazine back in September, where he was mockingly put up for“sale” along with a Norwegian hostage. Both China and Norway refused to pay the ransom that the terrorists had demanded. Beijing is now saying that it had attempted to rescue the “cruelly murdered” Chinese national.
RT buried the lead.

If this is true then China has been running ops in the Middle East.  Interesting.   This would be a major gamechanger.  All the world's superpowers and quite a few of its medium powers  would all be running military operations in one small region.  The worse case scenario is probably off the board...but mistakes happen.

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