Friday, November 13, 2015

Terrorist attack in Paris? UPDATED!

Thanks to "NO" for the link!

via CNN
Gunmen have opened fire in several places in the French capital, Paris, causing several casualties, French media report.
At least one man opened fire with an automatic gun at the Cambodge restaurant in the 11th district.
Liberation newspaper reports four deaths. It also reports shootings near the Bataclan arts centre.
An explosion is also reported to have targeted a bar near Stade de France, where France were hosting Germany.
Reports say President Francois Hollande was watching the match and has been evacuated.
A BBC journalist at the Cambodge restaurant says he can see 10 people on the road either dead or seriously injured.
He says police have now arrived.
Shooting is said to be continuing.
A few things.  If you're squeamish then turn away.  If you think I'm being racist then deal with it.

1.  This is what happens when hundreds of thousands of people are allowed into the EU without proper vetting.

2.  I wonder if Merkel is still opening her arms.

3.  This is undoubtedly a terrorist attack.

4.  The European People deserve better.

UPDATE:  This is sounding like a coordinated, complex ambush/attack.  If this was being conducted by US Marines I'd say it looked like a coordinated assault by a well trained platoon.  Explosions?  Automatic weapons fire?  Yeah.  This has ISIS written all over it.


UPDATE:  At this time French police are confirming 18 dead.

UPDATE:  Explosion at McDonald's.  Hostage situation continues.  Death toll increased to 26.  

SNAFU's Ramblings.  The Right Wing groups in Europe are about to take over.  We're about to see a govt or two fall.  Additionally we're about to see something nasty.  I haven't posted on it but gun sales, pepper spray flying off the shelves in Europe.  This is going to get nasty and all those that talk about Islam being the religion of piece are in for a rude surprise.

SNAFU's Ramblings 1.  On this day the Democrat party just lost the election next year.  On this day the EU became threatened and individual nations will see to their own defense...damn what Brussel's has to say.  One thing I find interesting.  There are more hostages than hostage takers.  Why not fight back?  

UPDATE:  French police are raiding the concert hall.

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