Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Turkish shootdown of the SU-24 turns even more strange...

Thanks to Ulf Utho for the link!

via Hastings Tribune.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday called for sanctions against Turkey, following the downing this week by Turkey of a Russian warplane.
The decree published on the Kremlin's website Saturday came hours after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had voiced regret over the incident, saying his country was "truly saddened" by the event and wished it hadn't occurred.
Put aside the sanctions part of this article.  Sanctions are the current "hotness" when it comes to nation states expressing displeasure with each other and I feel its all an indication that the globalization scheme is breaking down.

What should catch your attention is what Erdogan said.  "Truly saddened"?  "Wished it hadn't occurred"?


This is totally different from their initial stance.  I know many disagree but I think my cowboy pilot theory is spot on.

Want even more crazy speculation?  Turkish security/intel forces are known to work with ISIS...could the Turkish civilian leadership have lost control?  Could the swing to a quasi Islamic type govt framework finally be coming back to bite?  Could hardcore elements that they put in place suddenly be acting on their own?

Sidenote:  Syria and Iraq are covered by the most extensive electronic sensor net in the world today.  Why haven't we seen confirmation of the Turkish claims?  Additionally the recording of the Turks warning off the Russian airplane hasn't been released by another power.  Why?  We should not only have third party radar tracks but we should also have monitored communication.  There is something very wrong with this whole thing.  I can't put my finger on it but I sense shenanigans.

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