Tuesday, December 01, 2015

A Marine Officer is kicked out for trying to protect fellow Marines...how did we get to this point?

via Washington Post.
A senior Navy Department official decided Monday to force a Marine Corps officer out of the service for his handling of classified information, three years after he was first investigated after sending a warning to deployed colleagues about an Afghan police chief whose servant later killed three Marines.
Maj. Jason Brezler will be separated from the Marine Corps following a decision by Assistant Navy Secretary Juan M. Garcia, said Michael Bowe, Brezler’s attorney. The case grabbed attention in Congress and among highly decorated senior officers in the military, some of whom advocated on Brezler’s behalf to let him stay in the Marines. Other service officials maintained that retired Gen. James F. Amos, the Marine Corps’ top officer when the investigation began, and other generals involved handled the case well.
“We will now proceed to a real court and prove that Commandant Amos and his generals illegally retaliated against Major Brezler because they were more concerned with politics and their careers than the lives of their Marines and the service of a good Marine who did the right thing,” Bowe said in an e-mailed statement. “I look forward to their cross-examination.”
Wow.  The Amos legacy is still kicking the Marine Corps in the head and Dunford was Commandant for too little time to dig into this...but Neller should have used his influence to fix this.

This is another sign that the Marine Corps has become infected with the idiocy that exists at the highest levels of the DoD.

Politics is more important than honor.  Good men will suffer to protect fools.  Major Brezler deserves better.  He was attempting to protect his fellow Marines and instead of medals he gets kicked out.

How could this happen in the United States Marine Corps?  Why would any leader allow this type of misjustice? 

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