Tuesday, December 08, 2015

All sailors are freaks....Two star fired for public nudity and drukendness

via Navy Times
One of the Navy's top supply officers has been fired and rebuked for drunkenness and nudity that was fueled by hard drinking at a trade conference in Florida, becoming the Navy's most senior officer removed from their post this year.
Rear Adm. David Baucom was removed from his job as the director of Strategy, Policy, Capabilities, and Logistics at U.S. Transportation Command in October after an investigation into his misbehavior in April while attending the National Defense Transportation Association's Transportation Advisory Board in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
On the night of April 7, Baucom attended a dinner with about 70 conference attendees and imbibed all or part of at least eight drinks, according to an investigation released by the Navy after inquiries from Navy Times.
Baucom, 56, became so intoxicated that he was unable to stand and had to be brought by a hotel employee back to his room. Later, he was discovered wandering naked through public areas of the hotel, seeking a towel to cover himself, the investigation found.
Dude is a lightweight.  Eight drinks has him naked and wandering the halls?   He should spend a two day tour in the barracks during a Typhoon!  I've seen multiple cases of beer downed by a single Marine and literally a pallet hauled into the barracks when the storm approached.

MWR was extremely well funded!

Anyway, this goes to prove.  Doesn't matter the rank.  All sailors are freaks.

Side note:  I did this tongue in cheek but it's a shame that this guy's career is ended because of a "oh shit" moment.  Zero deficit is and will always be a lie.... until they get a better view of this recruiting/retention crisis that is...

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