Friday, December 11, 2015

Denmark has placed an order for 309 Piranha 5 army personnel carriers

Thanks to Jonathan for the link!

via Reuters
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark has placed an order for 309 Piranha 5 army personnel carriers (APCs) from General Dynamics in a deal worth $662 million, the defense ministry said on Friday.
"This is a historically large investment in modern equipment for our army," Defence Minister Peter Christensen said in a statement.
(Reporting by Ole Mikkelsen; editing by Sabina Zawadzki)
The second big buy this week for the Piranha 5.

What am I missing?  Why is this 8x8 suddenly so popular?  How is Patria losing the European market to General Dynamics?

I predicted that the Patria AMV Advanced would be the "EU 8x8" in the same way the Leopard 2 is the "EU Tank".

I was wrong.  Even worse for Patria?  General Dynamics is the odds on favorite to win the UK Mechanised Infantry Vehicle contest.

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