Tuesday, December 15, 2015

ISIS has us by the balls. LA Schools closed...UPDATED.

This shit is breaking but LA District Schools are closed because of a threat against them.

ISIS has us by the balls.

I should have seen this.  Why would Obama head over to the Pentagon unless there were credible threats?  Why would he schedule a presser at the National Counter Terrorism Center unless they knew this was coming.

The obvious thing?

There are active terrorist cells in the LA area.


UPDATE:  Via The Hill Blog.
All Los Angeles Unified School District campuses were closed on Tuesday morning, after a broad bomb threat made against multiple unspecified schools.
Officials said during a hastily arranged news conference that the nation’s second largest school district was closed out of "an abundance of caution" after an "electronic threat" was received targeting multiple schools.
Los Angeles Police Department Assistant Chief Jorge Villegas said authorities were in the "process of vetting" the threat to establish "what, if any, validity it has."
“I can’t take a chance,” school district superintendent Ramon Cortines told reporters.
School facilities were in the process of being searched, he said, adding that schools would remain closed until they had been certified safe.
“I am not taking the chance of bringing children anyplace, into any part of the building, until I know that it is safe,” Cortines said.
The FBI has been notified and is assisting the L.A. school district, a spokeswoman said.
Details of the threat remain unclear, but the school district’s decision to keep all 640,000 students home is likely to stir new fears of terrorism for an American public that is already on edge over recent killings from San Bernardino, Calif., to Paris.
Those shootings — which are believed to have been either inspired by or directed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — helped prompt the bold decision to close all of the district’s schools, Cortines said.
“I, as superintendent, am not going to take the chance with a life of a student,” he said.
“Remember, we do get individual threats,” he added. “We do evacuate schools, we do lockdown schools, et cetera, and do not release students until we notify parents.
“What we are doing today is no different than what we always do — except that we are doing this in a mass way.”
Read between the lines on this people.

The President schedules visits to the Pentagon and to the National CounterTerrorism Center this week to allay peoples fears?  A school district that gets threats "all the time" suddenly does the unthinkable and shuts down over 900 schools?

I think I'm spot on when I say that the FBI has information that the two San Bernardino terrorist were just a small node in a bigger terrorist cell operating in the Los Angeles area.

I have no visibility on any alerts put out by the Intel/Law Enforcement community but its obvious that they were sent to Fed, State and Local communities...especially in California.

Put down your normalcy bias.  We aren't living in normal times.

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