Thursday, December 10, 2015

Its becoming clear that we suffered an intelligence failure in the San Bernardino shooters case.

via CNN
FBI investigators say they believe San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook had ties to one of four Riverside, California, men who were charged in 2012 with planning to join al Qaeda in Afghanistan, two U.S. law enforcement officials said on condition of anonymity Thursday.
The officials said Farook was in the social circle of Sohiel Kabir, who the FBI has said recruited and helped radicalize the other three men in the Riverside group.
Kabir, who was apprehended in Afghanistan in 2012, was sentenced this year to 25 years in prison for his role in the case.
FBI investigators who are probing the San Bernardino shooting are taking a new look at Kabir, the two officials said.
Are you still focused on Trump?  Have you let that news story take your eyes off the real bouncing ball?

If so then congrats.  The media succeeded.

If not then marvel at the intel failure we're seeing here.  Not only did we have a person participating in subversive activities with his wife that ended in a catastrophic terrorist attack, but we also see that the FBI failed to properly investigate a terrorist cell operating in the Riverside area (March AFB, 29 Palms MCB...should take another look at their workforce).

Long story short?

Ignore the human interest story.  Why the mother decided to drop off her child and go do Jihad is irrelevant.  The words of the police officers that risked life and limb can be read later.  The tales of the survivors will make a great movie.

What we need to focus on is the threat that remains.  There is always one more.  If you find one terrorist cell you can bet prized body parts that another is operating close by.  Its just the way that life works...I'm just the messenger...I don't make the rules. 

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