Wednesday, December 16, 2015

LCS will be winnowed down to one ship type.

via USNI News.
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has ordered the Navy to trim its total buy of Littoral Combat Ships to 40 and down select to a single shipbuilder and design for the class as part of its fiscal year 2017 budget, according to a memo obtained by USNI News.
The directive to trim the service’s planned total of 52 planned LCS and Frigate hulls and direct the savings into other programs was contained in the Monday letter from Carter to Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus.
The new plan would call for a building only six LCS between fiscal year 2017-2020 – eight less than the Navy’s submitted 2017 plan – and directs the Navy to down select to a single shipyard and a single hull type in 2019.
This is interesting.  Select one shipyard and one hull type?  But in 2019?  That's halfway thru the term of the next President!

I'm always amazed at the idea that current defense leaders believe that they can determine procurement issues for future leaders.

Still.  A proposed cut of 12 warships?  I guess its finally dawned on them that the LCS isn't what its cracked up to be..

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