Thursday, December 03, 2015

Pakistan in talks to buy the F-35?

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will acquire the fifth generation multi-role fighter aircraft from the international market but, for the time being, it will devote its full attention on its state-of-the-art JF-17 Thunder to make it the most effective of its generation.
It has been revealed by Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman while talking exclusively with The News here on Wednesday evening. He said that Pakistan wouldn’t lag behind the countries of the region in obtaining the fifth generation planes and it has opened negotiations with the US manufacturers for exploring options of buying single engine multirole F-35 viewed as the plane of the next decade.

They're so desperate for sales that they would consider selling the most (supposedly) technologically advanced piece of US hardware to the country that harbored the most wanted man in the world at one time, is hampering our efforts in Afghanistan and is a thorn in the side of a closer relationship to India?

Simply amazing.

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