Monday, December 07, 2015

Some in Korean leadership call to exit the F-35 program and start the KF-X.

Thanks to Charley A. for the link!

via KoreaTimes

The government is facing growing calls to restart its problematic fighter jet development program from square one ― and cancel a deal with Lockheed Martin to purchase F-35 stealth fighters, if necessary.
Some politicians and critics say it seems almost impossible for the nation to develop its own fighter jet by the designated year of 2025 due to growing uncertainties over technology transfers from Washington.
"It is not an easy decision to cancel the F-35 deal, but the idea is well worth considering if it is hard for Korea to acquire the U.S. technology through the deal," said Rep. Kim Kwang-jin of the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD) to The Korea Times.
Kim noted that the government appeared to have already considered cancellation, citing that the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has estimated expenses that the nation must pay as a cancellation charge if the F-35 deal is canceled.
I'm betting that this is a negotiating tactic to try and worm out prized tech but I think they're misplaying their hand.

The S. Koreans pullout and the program collapses on its own weight.  It will knock everyone else out of the deal....but it will give us the perfect excuse to shut it down and start again.

I don't think the S. Koreans know how many inside the Pentagon, Marine Corps and Congress want to do exactly that!

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