Friday, December 04, 2015

The "New" Marine Corps is encouraging members to join gender equality groups.

via The Free Beacon.
U.S. Marines and members of all branches of the military are being encouraged to join monthly “Lean In” support groups, where they can visit a “safe place” to talk about gender issues.
The Pentagon is partnering with Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, who began the “Lean In” gender equality movement.
The Marines posted a memorandum on “Lean In Circles” last week, which are intended to make women and men feel more “comfortable” talking about gender in the military.
This new Marine Corps is gonna be something to see.  Chesty was wrong.  There is a bit of difference between the old and the new.  2015 is when the Old Corps died and the new one began.

I've posted in the past with an eye toward advocacy and yelling to the rooftops about what I thought was wrong.  Now?  I'm rethinking the whole thing.  I can't advocate for an organization that I don't believe in so I guess it'll turn just commenting about the decline of a once great fighting force.

But back to this story.  Don't be fooled.  This is simply part of the plan to integrate women into combat arms.  These "lean in" groups are simply indoctrination.

I don't want to see the US at war, but I can't wait to see how these integrated units perform in combat.  Oh and there will be combat.  Can't you sense the predators circling the US because they smell weakness coming from the withered carcass of a once great power?  We're gonna get dragged into combat and our military will fail.  That will be the start of the beginning of the end of US hegemony.

Side Note:  I'm surprised I didn't see the writing on the wall long ago.  The "Legged Squad Support Robot" essence a gear carrier for troops over rough ground never made sense.  Unless you integrate females into the infantry and need to find a way to allow them to keep up and not breed discontent by spreading their load to the guys.

Thanks to Eric at ELP Blog for reminding me of this!

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