Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Turkish cooperation with ISIS is going mainstream..

via Jerusalem Online.
Hurriyet Daily News recently reported that Cumhuriyet editor-in-chief Can Dundar was arrested after exposing that the Turkish government was sending supplies to ISIS. His arrest was appealed but the Daily Sabah noted that an Istanbul Court had rejected the appeal today. Dundar is being charged with providing documents regarding the security of the state, political and military espionage, releasing secret documents, and propaganda for a terrorist organization.

According to Hurriyet Daily News, Dundar denies the charges against him: “We are accused of spying. The President said our action was treason. We are not traitors, spies or heroes. We are journalists. What we have done here was an act of journalism. We have nothing to feel sorry about. These are badges of honor for us.” Dundar compares what he has uncovered in Turkey to the Watergate and Iran Contra Scandals in the US, stressing that his exposures helped to prevent Turkey from making a grave mistake: “A journalist should report the story if he sees the country is in danger.”

People have been talking about Turkey and ISIS for months on these pages (the US too) and quite honestly I thought it was MAYBE a few rogue elements but this story makes me wonder.

How high up does the conspiracy go?  Will the US media dig now that we're seeing mainstream Turkish journalist going after this story?

Last but not least are we all sleepwalking thru one of the biggest scandals of the 20th century?

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