Thursday, December 17, 2015

Update on those SOCOM bubba's that went to Libya...

This "team" photo of the SOCOM bubba's that went to Libya only to be turned around struck me as odd.  I rolled with it anyway because they were equipped the right way and the airplane originated in Stuttgart.  I should have known better.

A little birdy landed in my inbox and left this note....
Those guys in the photos are staff pukes assigned to a special TF which is part of Special Operations Command-Africa (aka SOCAF) headquartered in Stuttgart at Kelley Barracks. Stuttgart is also home to 1/10th SFG and two Naval Special Warfare teams.
Yeah.  That makes a bit more sense.  The weapons look sparkling new...maybe used once or twice.  No wear on their webbing/packs...also new.  I might be out of line here but they don't have the "hard look" that I associate with someone that depends on their conditioning to keep them alive.

Yep.  Staff bubba's not operators.

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