Monday, February 29, 2016

Stryker 30mm & Javelin Upgrade will go Army wide.

via Breaking Defense.
Upgunning the Europe-based Second Cavalry Regiment against the Russians is just the first of a “lethality upgrade” for the entire Stryker force. The 30mm quick-firing cannon for 2CR’s Strykers may ultimately go on half the Army’s fleet of the 8×8 armored vehicles (not counting specialist variants). The other half would get the a vehicular version of the Javelin, the military’s standard shoulder-fired anti-tank missile. Just as important, the Army wants to upgrade sights and sensors across the fleet — and it’s throwing the doors open to ideas from industry.
“We’re releasing a market survey tomorrow,” said Col. Glenn Dean, the Army’s Stryker program manager. “[It’s] intended to reach out to industry and involve them in a dialogue of what capabilities should we be considering beyond the things that were already on our menu.”
Ok.  Something is going on. I wonder what the Compartmentalized Intel is saying because the US Army appears to be prepping for a major conventional war.

Budget wars are one thing, but this seems (at least from my chair) to indicate a real threat that is just over the horizon.

What do they see that I'm missing?  I don't buy the war in Europe thing.  Combat in the Pacific will be a Navy/USMC and a bit of the Air Force trying to push what the hell is it?

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