Tuesday, March 08, 2016

HQMC is looking for "disruptive" thinkers?

Thanks to CoffeeJoeJava for the link!

via Marine Corps Times.
Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has put out the call for “disruptive thinkers” — Marines who live outside the box, love to challenge the status quo, and are often viewed as trouble makers.
It’s time they step up and speak out, Neller said, and it is time for leaders to listen. The commandant wants nothing short of a cultural revolution; a new era in which Marines are encouraged to come up with solutions, and leaders serve as advocates to accelerate those ideas to decision makers.
Neller addressed the issue at an innovation symposium hosted by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab Feb. 23-24. The hundreds of Marines and industry officials in attendance were adamant: The system is broken. The Pentagon can’t fix itself, let alonethese emerging issues. There are an increasing number of hot spots around the world; no two are alike, and the circumstances are ever changing and increasingly complex. Technologies that could help have often evolved before older technologies are even fielded.
Interesting.  I guess this is as close as a bureaucracy can come to admitting that its initiatives have been bullshit.

There are Marines in service that lust for a return to Marine Corps values/principals.  They aren't welcome and they know it.  The real issue is simple.  New concepts/equipment buys/technical innovation aren't the problem...the Marine Corps needs to get hard as woodpecker lips again and money can't get it there...it will take will, determination and fortitude.

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