Thursday, March 17, 2016

The US Army is upping its game.

via Defense News.
For example, the 82nd Airborne Division’s Global Response Force element conducted a no-notice exercise in February, jumping into Fort Hood, Texas, to conduct a weapons of mass destruction-elimination mission.

Three weeks ago, the Army alerted and then deployed an air defense artillery brigade to the Pacific Command theater of operations for a training exercise.

In April, when one of the brigades from the 101st Airborne Division travels to Fort Polk, Louisiana, for its Joint Readiness Training Center rotation, instead of moving its vehicles over land as it normally would, it will have to ship its vehicles by sea, Donahue said.

This means moving 800 vehicles and 200 containers by rail to the port, then loading them onto a ship and sending them off to Port Arthur, Texas, Donahue said. The unit will then meet its equipment at Port Arthur and transport it to Fort Polk.

“We’re executing the whole process from fort to port and see if we can make it work,” Donahue said.
Two things.  First the Army is getting serious about conducting major combat operations against a peer threat.  That alone is refreshing.  But what has my attention is the same thing that should have heartbeats blasting at HQMC.

They're sending forces by ship to a port.  Remember that OLD SKOOL mission that the Marine Corps has abandoned and is more relevant than ever today?

You don't remember?  Its freaking PORT SEIZURE numbnuts!  Its an extremely complex operation that hasn't been practiced in over 3 decades.  Yeah...I hear some Lt Col that's been drinking the kool aid all the way down here.  He's saying that the Sea Base is tailored to do this op.

I contend that it isn't.  The number of LCACs available will never allow the rapid buildup of power ashore in a timely manner.  Quite honestly outside of a fight against terrorist it HAS NO UTILITY.  Regardless.  At least the Army is wrapping its head around the future fight and is shaking off the generational anti-terror war nonsense that has infected the entire include the Marine Corps.

Inter-service rivalry is a good thing.  It makes everyone better...the Army is upping its game and has straws out to drink our milkshake.  We should be aware.

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