Friday, March 18, 2016

The US Army, the Navy/Marine Corps milkshake and how to keep the straw away!

via Navy Matters Blog.
The Navy needs to follow the Army’s example and begin realistic training starting with some of these:

  • When was the last time the Navy/Marines actually landed an entire MEU/MEB?
  • When was the last time the Navy exercised a multi-carrier force?
  • The Navy needs to exercise an entire landing through the MLP sea base (I bet it can’t be done!).
  • The Navy needs to conduct a live fire swarm test against the LCS.
  • The Navy needs to conduct a live fire saturation cruise missile attack against an Aegis cruiser.
  • When was the last time the Navy conducted fleet level anti-surface exercises?
  • When was the last time the Marines/Navy conducted a full scale port seizure exercise?
  • When was the last time the Navy conducted a surge exercise?
It’s pathetic what our training has devolved to but I salute the Army for starting to wake up to the possibility of full scale war and training for it. 
Extremely well said COMNAVOPS!

Go to his blog to get his full take on the issue, but consider everything the US Army is doing.  No notice Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises?  We haven't seen that since the days of the Rapid Deployment Force!  Conducting the movement of heavy equipment....really doing it instead of simulating it?  Out fucking standing! 

I would have never thought that the US Army would take the lead in moving away from the Small War/SOCOM/Generational War Mafia but they have.  The USMC needs to elbow its way into the lead dog position or risk getting run over by Big Army.

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