Wednesday, March 30, 2016

U.S. Army Master Sgt. Mark Allen...a bit more on him (victim of Bergdahl)

CoffeeJoeJava asked if there was a way to help support Master Sgt Mark Allen and his wife Shannon after the terrible injury that he suffered while trying to save the deserter/traitor Bergdahl.

My Google-foo is weak or more likely they've already been forgotten but I found almost nothing.  If you can find a place to donate I'd appreciate you either posting it in the comments or sending me a note so I can update it here.

I did find this group...Building Homes For Heroes...that appears to have stepped up to the plate, but I wanted to see more.

Turn to gents.  This story is hitting my heart strings.  Lets find out who's helping the Master Sgt and his wife so we can help them.