Thursday, April 21, 2016

173rd Airborne is motorized at Sabre Junction 2016

Note:  The 173rd bounced back from those mishaps yesterday (lawn darting Humvees) and are on the road.  What I find interesting is that the "mechanized" US Army Airborne is farther along than I thought.  I didn't expect it to become fully realized till we saw the Ultralight Weight Mobility Vehicle, Expeditionary Light Tank and maybe a few modified other bits of equipment make it to the force.  Much to my surprise they're doing it with what's on hand.  The disturbing thing for Marine Corps planners/advocates? If they revive the "Initial Ready Company" but makes it motorized and adds maybe a bit of artillery and can talk the USAF into providing a squadron of supporting fighter, then they have a force as survivable, with more ground mobility and perhaps more lethality than the Company Landing Team (as it's currently composed).