Monday, April 11, 2016

Defence Technology Review-April Edition!

Read it here!
This is one for the archives folks!  Just a heads up without letting too much out of the bag.  Pay special attention to the LAND 400 project!  That contest is getting spicy and might be the most interesting armored vehicle competition anywhere on the planet right now.  The variety, capability and what the manufacturers are offering is stunning.  Oh and a little inside info.  Conventional wisdom about these vehicles is not only wrong, but its CRAZY wrong.

After a note I got from the editors I know I'm going to have to personally re-evaluate my views on quite a few things.  Many of my assumptions were off by miles.  I'm probably already in trouble for saying too much but trust me on this one.  Research your butts off (with what little open source is available) cause what we thought is wrong.