Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reconnaissance Vehicle Fennek-SWP (Stinger weapon platform) of the DGLC Koninklijke Landmacht (Netherlands Army Defense Land Based Air Defense Command)

Defence Land-based Air Defence Command operates with advanced weapons and radar systems, such as:
Patriot air defense system: This system is used against targets on the (medium) long distance to 60 kilometers. The system protects against manned and unmanned aircraft, helicopters, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.
NASAMS system: can disable targets at medium range to 15 kilometers. The system consists protects among other launchers against manned and unmanned aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles.
Stinger: these missiles will be deployed at short distances up to 5 kilometers from manned and unmanned aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles. A single Stinger is fired from the shoulder by a soldier (Stinger Manpad). The reconnaissance vehicle Fennek-SWP (Stinger weapon platform) has a launch system with four Stingers on the roof.
TRML airspace surveillance radar, build an aerial image at a distance of 200 kilometers. It provides NASAMS- and Stinger weapon of aerial image, or information about the location of targets.

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