Wednesday, April 20, 2016

US Army Multi-Mission Launcher fires Israeli Tamir missile....Army/ drop that news...

via Alert 5 
“In theory we can carry up to 6 different interceptors at one time per launcher. Right now we have only demonstrated the ability to integrate two of those interceptors the AIM 9X and the Longbow Hellfire, and then physically demonstrated the ability to shoot the Mini-Hit-to-Kill, the Stinger, and the Tamir which is an Israeli interceptor,” said Whitmark.
What's interesting is that the site that Alert 5 got this news back and scrubbed the news about the Israeli missile...check this out...
"In theory we can carry up to 6 different interceptors at one time per launcher. Right now we have only demonstrated the ability to integrate two of those interceptors the AIM 9X and the Longbow Hellfire, and then physically demonstrated the ability to shoot the Mini-Hit-to-Kill, and the Stinger," said Whitmark.
Alert  5 is a must read on my blog list and I don't doubt their integrity or credibility. obviously updated the news site and left off the US Army's test of the Israeli missile.

The only question is why?