Monday, May 02, 2016

MV-22's sent home not for training but to restore readiness?

via Marine Corps Times
“The time that we are deployed compared to the time that we are home is 1:2,” Burns told Marine Corps Times. “That means that for every one day deployed; theoretically, you’re supposed to get two days back home. It used to be 1:3 before we started deploying a lot. Within the past 15 years it’s gone back to 1:2.”
Transferring the six Ospreys from Spain to the U.S. gives Osprey squadrons more time at home to “alleviate the constant stress of deploying on our pilots and maintainers,” and that will help the Marine Corps' overall plan to restore readiness to its aviation fleet, Burns said.
This should have people screaming from the rooftops.  This is the most important story this year about the Marine Corps and the punch line will be ignored by the majority of the media.  Let me highlight this again from the article....
Transferring the six Ospreys from Spain to the U.S. gives Osprey squadrons more time at home to “alleviate the constant stress of deploying on our pilots and maintainers,” and that will help the Marine Corps' overall plan to restore readiness to its aviation fleet, Burns said.
Yeah I know you're getting tired of this, but I lay the blame at the feet of Amos and the current Deputy Commandant for Aviation.  Why?  Because Amos stood up SPMAGTF-CR's for two reasons (in my opinion) the first as a shield for the Obama Administration's inaction during the Benghazi incident and second because he wanted to justify the MV-22 when its tactical limitations AND tremendous costs were again being scrutinized.

But that's just bitching.  What should have everyone concerned is this.

Remember that vid from Fox News?  The implication was that budget cuts are the reason why the accident rate has spiked for Marine Corps aviation.  I did a check and the budget hasn't decreased....since 2013, Operations and Maintenance for Marine Air has consistently increased.

But for some reason the meme that Marine Aviation is at the breaking point because of budget cuts has caught on...even with members of Congress.  Interestingly enough the story  was planted not only in Fox News (the vid above) but also this spotlighted Marine Corps Times article.

The real question you should be asking is this.  If the budget has been increasing but Marine Air is breaking then what's the deal?  Additionally we need to know who pushed these propaganda pieces in the Marine Corps Times and Fox News?

I don't know but the truth will eventually come out.