via Defense Aerospace (Editor's Note).
So, in the final analysis, Denmark does not know what price it will pay for its F-35As, and if the price increases it will buy fewer of them.The hits keep coming for this program. Remember the "summer of the F-35" where they were going to tour the plane and drum up public support?
This is the reason why, instead of the publicized figure of 27, the parties have in fact committed to buy only 21, with the remaining six to be bought only if there is enough money to pay for them.
This, by the way, would bring the purchase in line with the intentions of the Konservative party, which voted against the purchase because it wants to limit the number to 21.
Given that this is barely enough to equip a single operational squadron, if it hard to understand why, given the cost, Denmark does not simply do away with fast jets altogether.
All the more so that Danish media, including the Berlingske daily newspaper, puts the lifetime costs of the F-35 fleet at well over 50 billion krone, or about $7.6 billion, while Henrik Dam Christensen, defense speaker for the opposition Social Democrats, puts that figure at 55 billion kroner.
In any case, given the F-35’s history of cost inflation, late delivery and mandatory upgrades, it is more than likely that, like Norway and the Netherlands, it will end up with far fewer aircraft that ti initially wanted – in this case, no more than 21.)
Those dreams are dead...along with the idea of doing a production ramp up based on foreign orders!
But what should really worry the program is that we're talking another 5 years. Alot can happen in five years. Canada won't be the last country to walk away from the F-35.