Thursday, June 16, 2016

Iveco Guarani planning meeting...

via TechnoDefesa.
Between 06 to 09 June 2016 the GUARANI Strategic Project team participated in the standardization meeting of the Guarani Project Maintenance activities, the 15th Brigade Mechanized Infantry (15th Inf Brigade Mec) in Cascavel-PR.
The meeting included representatives of the Southern Military Command, the Board of Material, Production Department, the 5th Army Division, the 3rd Brigade of Motorized Infantry, 4th Brigade Mechanized Cavalry, Armored Infantry of the 6th Brigade, the Reverse Stock Split units-School and 9th Brigade Motorized Infantry, the 15th Brigade Mechanized Infantry, the Armored Training Center and Business IVECO.
Simply amazing.  The Brazilian armed forces developed an armored vehicle, setup production facilities, introduced the vehicle into service and are now standardizing training/logistics in less time than its taken the United States Marine Corps to do a down select to a winner of the ACV with those vehicles being off the shelf.

Excellence and a sense of urgency are no longer Marine Corps traits.