Saturday, July 30, 2016

Brazilian Marines to get upgraded light tanks...

via Janes.
The Brazilian Navy is considering upgrades for its SK-105A2S Kürassier light tanks, and to purchase 4x4 and 6x6 armoured vehicles for its Marine Corps (CFN), a navy spokesperson told IHS Jane's .
Projects to modernise the tanks and to obtain wheeled armoured vehicles are currently undergoing a study phase and a concept and budget feasibility analysis, the spokesperson said.
Those projects integrate the service's multi-phase Strategic Project for Consolidation of the Marines Amphibious Brigade Program (PROBANF), which is to add to marines' firepower, expeditionary, mobility, and protection capabilities.
Wow.  Impressive.  Compact firepower that fills the role of mobile gun system.  While I'd personally think that basing it on the VBTR Guarani would make more sense, this is a reasonable solution.

It also points to something that the US Army is facing.  Building a Light Tank isn't hard.  Building an AIRBORNE LIGHT TANK isn't hard as long as you accept the limitations.  If its gonna be C-130 (optimum) or C-17 (sub optimal) transportable then any thoughts of it shaking off tank fire is a dream.  Same can probably be said of large caliber cannon fire.

Mobility, situational awareness and firepower trumps armor protection in the age we're living in.  The Army could sole source contract this out to General Dynamics or BAE and get the design work done in a year, get it in production in two and probably fill out the 82nd by the third.  Its just a matter of will and discipline...the discipline not to stick every bell and whistle on the thing that is!