Monday, July 25, 2016

Globalization in Danger, G-20 Double Down on a Defense

via Washington Post.
"After many years of sub-par growth in industrialized economies, and increasingly also in emerging markets, G-20 leaders are recognizing the risks of social cleavages and their potentially harmful economic consequences," said Frederic Neumann, co-head of Asian economic research at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong. "More inclusive growth, protecting society’s most vulnerable, will increasingly be woven into economic policy."
If you wonder  how Bernie and Trump could win (yeah, Bernie should have won but the Dems cheated) and why Brexit could happen then read this article.

G-20 leaders are talking about "the risks of social cleavages".  That should alarm the fuck out of every security force in the West. But I bet they aren't paying attention.

Many economists are predicting a "new" recession either late this year or early next.  That will add to the societal pressures.

2016 has been bad but 2017 will probably be just as bad or worse.