Tuesday, August 16, 2016

*USMC Infantry Officer Course is officially harder than the US Army's Ranger School.*

Thanks to Joe for the link!

via CNN.
The only female officer enrolled in the Marine Corps' Infantry Officer's Course has dropped out after failing to complete two conditioning hikes last month, according to the Marine Corps' Training and Education Command.
"At this time, there are no female officers enrolled or slated to attend (the Infantry Officer's Course)," Marine spokesman Capt. Joshua Pena told CNN.
He added that 33 additional officers have been dropped from the course out of a starting class comprising 97 officers. The course started on July 6 and is scheduled to finish on September 20.
Ordinarily I'd cheer this news but the reality is that they'll just water down the course until women can pass.

Until they do its official.  USMC infantry officer course is officially harder than the US Army's Ranger School.  Eat that Army dawgs!