Friday, September 23, 2016

Fight talk. You talk about fighting but can your body handle the pre-fight?

Are you one of those range commandos that have all the latest toys, gucci gear for days, all of it without a hint of dust on it, yet have trouble walking from here to there?  Do you believe that you're ready for the fight?

If so then check out this article from Evolve MMA.
Standing in front of your opponent waiting for him (or her) to affix their coloured anklet or belt, you’re thinking to yourself, "please not now; any other time, but not now!” You feel like you weigh 1,000 kgs. Your arms are made of wood. Your feet are mired in mud and are so heavy you don’t know if you can move them. Your mouth feels like it’s full of cotton. All you can see and hear seems far away. Your hands shake and any fine movement with them is completely out of the question. Your heart feels as if it may leap out of your chest at any moment. After the adrenaline has run its course, you are suddenly more fatigued than you can ever remember. It is unfortunate because you’ve just reached the halfway point of your match.
Did someone drug your coffee?
No, you’re not on drugs. But at the same time, you are under the influence of some of the strongest chemicals your body can handle. You have just experienced an adrenaline dump.

One of the most common obstacles to peak performance in competition (especially for beginner and novice competitors) is the dreaded adrenaline dump. In light of the upcoming BJJ competitions around Asia, it seems appropriate to take some time to examine this phenomenon and look at some ways to overcome this common performance killer.
As a beginner or novice, it is advantageous to prepare as best you can for any and all new circumstances you may encounter. Remember, there are circumstances within your control and there are some that are out of your control. You can’t prepare for every contingency, but there are strategies you can use to increase your chances for success under even the most demanding situations (including the adrenaline dump).
Normally, we very rarely encounter a situation stressful enough to cause an involuntary release of adrenaline. Sometimes though, if we closely avoid a car accident, or stumble on the stairs and catch ourselves at the last minute, we may experience this natural, autonomic response to stress.
The involuntary release of adrenaline is often referred to as the adrenaline rush. Medically, it is more commonly known as the acute stress reaction or the fight-or-flight response. The incidence of the release of adrenaline at an inopportune time is often referred to by competitors as an adrenaline dump, Although this natural reaction produces unwelcome side-effects, we can take steps to prepare ourselves and learn to control the elements of this process.
These unwelcome side-effects include the following:
-Heavy breathing and heart pounding
-Paling or flushing
-Dilation of blood vessels for muscles
-Dry mouth
-Extreme fatigue
My guess is that at least 90 percent of the firearms community isn't ready for the pre-fight...the fight against their own body much less against an assailant.

I won't talk about tactical breathing, but suffice to say that when you see guys looking like they're flexing their chests, they're not trying to do a "muscle display" they're doing a form of what was (don't know if they still call it this anymore) tactical breathing.  Deep controlled breaths to focus the mind, sharpen the spirit and get the body ready for the fight.

So why am I talking about this?  Because I'm reading the web and seeing all those mall ninjas talking about "getting ready for a fight"!  They can't even control their own body and if the fight actually comes to them then they'll either die from a heart attack or last 2.5 seconds before their body gives out on them.

You have to prepare mentally and physically for a fight.  If your focus is only on gear then all you are is a supply point for a more fit individual. 

NOTE:  Don't get this twisted.  You don't have to be body beautiful.  This isn't about trying to compete in a bodybuilding stage or to get women to take a second look.  This is about getting ready for a fight.  The best thing you can do?  Control your weight and eat clean.  The number one thing that sees people get skull crushed is when an overweight person engages is sudden, intense physical activity.  Even if you're over 50 it would be a good idea to engage in regular physical exercise.  If you've suffered an injury then you work around it but its no excuse not to work out.  Last, you don't need a gym. I like it because I like weights but without it all you need is about six to eight feet of floor space.  Hershel Walker was a beast and all he did was push ups.  Long short?  There are no excuses if you accept no excuses!

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