Thanks to William for the link!
via Daily Mail.
But Duterte warned that he is a leader of a sovereign country and is answerable only to the Filipino people.And then this.
'Who is he to confront me?' he said, adding that the Philippines had not received an apology for misdeeds committed during its U.S. colonization.
I am a president of a sovereign state and we have long ceased to be a colony. I do not have any master except the Filipino people, nobody but nobody.
'You must be respectful. Do not just throw questions. Putang ina I will swear at you in that forum,' he said, using the Tagalog phrase for son of a bitch.
'Until the (last) drug manufacturer is killed we will continue,' Duterte told reporters before leaving for a regional summit in Laos, where he is due to meet U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday.This is fascinating.
The White House had no immediate reaction to Duterte's comments. Obama has been attending a meeting of the Group of 20 nations in Hangzhou, China.
Duterte won elections in May and immediately promised a law-and-order crackdown on drugs.
'These sons of w****s are destroying our children. I warn you, don't go into that, even if you're a policeman, because I will really kill you,' the president told an audience during a speech in the country's capital, Manila.
Duterte made it clear he would pardon police if they were charged with human rights violations for carrying out his merciless orders.
Nearly 60,000 Filipino drug addicts surrendered themselves last month to the government after President Duterte urged citizens to 'go ahead and kill' drug dealers and users.
Ignore the demeaning talk directed toward our President (as offensive as it is) and focus on the results. 60K drug addicts have surrendered to authorities.
Drug dealers are being terrorized instead of communities.
Is this the first real deal war on drugs that we've seen anywhere on this planet? Is this what happens when a nation decides to directly confront a problem and eradicate it?
There are lessons to be learned here. Duterte might be a mad man but he might be onto something.