Thursday, November 17, 2016

Undisputed 4 trailer. Bodybuilding meets MMA.

Scott Adkins is back as Boyka in the latest over the top MMA film.  Two things of interest (at least to me).  First is that he gets the Rocky treatment.  He's facing an unbeatable monster and he's finally the clear "good guy" anti-hero nonsense in this one.  We're suppose to cheer and cheer loudly (at least that's the impression I get) and the second is that even a heavily tattooed guy can find work if he has the look a movie is looking for (even if he has face tats).  Martyn Floyd has been blowing up on the body building scene and besides
being rather tall I saw nothing particular unique about him.  Now I know.  He's the baddy in this film.

One other thing.  Does Adkins look a bit smaller than he did in the previous films?  I wonder if that's on purpose to emphasize the size difference and make it a bigger David vs Goliath thing or if he's cutting back and blasting/cruising now?

Either way I'll wait for it to go to video.  It'll make some good escape viewing but not cinema worthy (I think).