Thursday, January 05, 2017

Wow. Is this what the SPMAGTF-CR is reduced to crowing about?

Thanks to Josephine for the link!

During a six-month rotational deployment last year, which wrapped up as U.S. forces began conducting airstrikes on Islamic State targets in Sirte, Libya, at the behest of the country's government, the task force received a call to conduct the rescue, said Col. Martin Wetterauer, commander of the 8th Marine Regiment.
The U.S. has acknowledged that a small number of special operations troops have been on the ground in Libya to assist Libyan forces in defeating ISIS militants.
"It was a no-notice," Wetterauer said of the mission during a December post-deployment briefing near Washington, D.C.
The response element, stationed in Moron, Spain, was on its normal "N-plus-6" alert, Wetterauer said, meaning the Marines would be able to respond to a crisis within six hours. They received their mission between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m., he said.
"We got the call that one of our [special operations forces] partners had been injured down on the continent; basically, he ended up with something in his eye," Wetterauer said. "So we went through the planning cycle. We initially didn't know if it was going to be an Osprey/C-130 mix, or a C-130 CASEVAC."
Ultimately, he said, the unit learned from the special operations team on the ground that they would be able to move the injured operator to Misrata, in the northwest corner of the country. Based on that decision, he said, the task force opted to leave the MV-22 Ospreys in Moron and execute the rescue with a single C-130 Hercules aircraft.

A few things.  First is this the type of mission that SPMAGTF-CR is forced to crow about?  Its a big nothing burger.  It hardly demonstrates the utility of the force and to be honest this was hardly a combat situation.  Second the SPMAGTF-CR concept is doing nothing but jacking up rotations and wearing out aircraft.  If Combatant Commanders are actually calling for this unit then we need new CC's.

Last.  Want to know how valuable this setup actually is?  They recently pulled the MV-22's from a SPMAGTF-CR that was forward deployed.

Its past time to put another one of Amos' idiot ideas into the trash b

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