Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Czech Republic seeks new tracked IFVs

via Janes.
The Czech Ministry of Defence (MoD) plans to proceed with a tender worth over CZK50 billion (USD1.9 billion) to fulfil an urgent requirement for over 200 new tracked armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) for the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR).
General Josef Becvar, chief of staff of the ACR, stated on 14 February that the ACR plans to hold industry days in mid-2017 and invite domestic and foreign manufacturers of tracked armoured vehicles to demonstrate their platforms in mobility and live fire modes before an ACR selection team of experts.
The industry demonstrations will be followed by further ACR vehicle evaluations, including pricing competitiveness, service support, and other selection criteria.
I didn't put it on the blog but the Czech Republic recently put out a tender for more Pandur II's.  Now they're seeking to replace their BMP's with another tracked vehicle?

The wheels vs. tracks debate continues.

I fail to understand how wheels, which we've been told have equal mobility and firepower in relation to tracks but have lower operating costs aren't making tracks obsolete.

Something is off when major armies are continuing to buy, field and develop/improve (think AMVP with the US Army) tracked vehicles.  Either wheels have developed to a point where they're equal to tracks or we're being fed a line of, how do the Brits say it...Bollocks!

This is my fear.  Are wheeled vehicles situational?  Are they really limited to mid and lower spectrums of warfare?  Are the mobility claims lies?  And finally are they attractive because they're biased toward withstanding IED attacks and that's what makes them attractive to modern forces?