via China Defense Blog
Last week, 10 landing ships - including two type 071 Yuzhao class Amphibious Transport Dock LPD and their LCACs - from the 2nd and the 16th Landing Ship Squadrons were out and about in the South China Sea. A simple math would suggest that a Marine regiment could sardined into those tiny boats.Many more pics here.
This is beyond interesting. We put a carrier battle group in the region as a wave the flag exercise and what do the Chinese do?
They sailed 10 Amphibious Assault Ships.
I think China Defense Blog is spot on too. That's enough naval shipping to put a Chinese Regiment AND their equipment on a beach.
That my friends is a wartime deployment. We sail carrier battle groups all the time. We sail MEUs regularly. Sailing a small armada in the South China Sea is an unmistakeable message to the entire region.
I wonder if PACOM was paying attention.