Saturday, February 25, 2017

USMC has 77 MV-22 configurations.

via IHS Janes
There are too many US Marine Corps (USMC) Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft configurations and it is becoming problematic to keep the fleet flying and to ready its ever-expanding mission set, a service official told Jane's .
The USMC came to that conclusion during a recent 'independent readiness review' the service has been conducting on the aircraft, according to USMC spokesperson Captain Sarah Burns.
"Simply put, we need to have one configuration of the Osprey," Capt Burns told Jane's on 22 February. "Right now, we have about 77 and have a plan to tackle that issue and support our Osprey fleet."
The rest of the article is behind a paywall, but the uptake is clear.  The Corps operates on a "we'll fix it after we get it" philosophy.  That thinking served it well in the past but not so much today.

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