Wednesday, March 01, 2017

A letter from a South Korean Student Soldier to his mother just days before his death....

A South Korean Student Soldier During the Korean War, Days Before he is Killed by Advancing North Korean Troops. His Letter for his Mother is Discovered on his Body via Historium Tumblr Page.
Below is the letter found in the pocket of the young man to his mother...
Thursday, August 10th, 1950
“Mother, today I killed a man
I threw a terrifying device called a grenade and it killed him instantly
The explosion nearly tore out my ear drums
Even as I write, my ear is filled with dreadful echo.
As much as an enemy they are to me, it pains my heart knowing that the people I’m shooting at are my people who I share the same blood and language with
And as if death is approaching, my fellow student comrades lay hopelessly in the sun, as if the enemy might advance any moment.
The enemy is dead silent, I do not know when they shall strike.
They have countless foes, we only have 71.
I am scared because I do not know what to do next.
Mother, there is a chance I might die today
It’s unlikely that those numerous soldiers would just ignore us
Mother, it’s not that I’m afraid of death
I’m afraid that I shall never see you or my siblings again.
However, I shall live
I promise I will survive
Mother, my heart is starting to settle now.
Mother, I shall survive and be at your side again.
I want to eat fresh lettuce wrap right now
I want to slurp down on cold noodles until my teeth fall off beside the waterfall.
Ah, the enemies are coming now.
I shall write again.
Mother goodbye! Goodbye! Ah, it’s not goodbye.
For I shall write again.
Until then.
It's a shame he couldn't keep his word to his mom.  War doesn't care about promises or hopes/dreams...or loved ones.

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