Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Blast from the past...China is the clear and present danger!

Watch this video starting at the 19:00 mark.  What you will hear is the unvarnished truth about China and the threat that they present.  So what happens when a person stands up and states the obvious to the military hierarchy?  They get smashed.  Check this out via Navy Times.
A senior Navy intelligence leader whose provocative comments this year about Chinese bellicosity stirred an international controversy has been shelved in the wake of an investigation into his conduct, Navy Times has learned.
Capt. James Fanell, the director of intelligence and information operations at U.S. Pacific Fleet, has been removed from that position by PACFLT boss Adm. Harry Harris and reassigned within the command, Navy officials confirmed.
Fanell warned during a February public appearance that a recent Chinese amphibious exercise led naval intelligence to assess that China's strategy was to be able to launch a "short, sharp war" with Japan, an unusually frank assessment about a closely watched region.
His comments, which ran counter to the Pentagon's talking points on building ties to the increasingly assertive Chinese navy, were picked up by media outlets from The New York Times and Reuters to London's Financial Times and Daily Telegraph. Top defense officials, including the 4-star head of the Army and the Pentagon spokesman, were forced to respond to his comment in the following days.
Capt Fanell was punished for trying to warn the nation about a danger to its very existence.  ISIS is a sideshow.  Russia isn't a threat and even if they were the EU nations could handle it.  China.  China is the danger but few want to wrap their heads around that reality.

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