Friday, May 12, 2017

The Army is testing a more powerful anti-drone laser

Thanks to John for the link!

via Army Times
Army testers are working on a more powerful laser to shoot down enemy drones.
Soldiers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, recently tested drone resupply, short-range air defense, precision targeting and anti-drone lasers, Training and Doctrine Command officials said Wednesday.
The 5kW Stryker-mounted Mobile Expeditionary High Energy Laser used in the exercise is the second version of the anti-drone laser, but a third version is on the way. 
Story here. 

Nice.  Very nice.  I wonder if the Marine Corps should consider following the Army's lead.  I hope we're actually monitoring this program and we're ready to jump onboard once they deliver a field ready product.

But even more?

I hope we de-couple anti-air from the wing and give the Ground Combat Element a piece of that pie.  Our maneuver forces need a clear chain of command and should be in the hip pocket of the GCE commander.  We've all read stories (horror stories at that) of Ukrainian Infantry trying to escape and evade from enemy patrols, sentries, guard dogs....and UAVs.

And these were simply recon models.  In a peer vs peer those UAVs will be shooters.  Marine Corps Air Defense Artillery needs to be revitalized and made a part of the GCE.