Friday, May 19, 2017
What is up with the Anti F-35 community?
A certain writer at Business Insider has written a series of article that I thought were "fawning" in its coverage of the F-35. Certain individuals in these articles were making claims that I found ridiculous.
So I wrote the guy and expressed my dismay and disappointment. I wasn't rude (I was faking it) and was polite as I could be.
To my surprise he responded and told me that if I could find someone to present critical information that he would write it up and post it immediately.
My response? Oh really? Seriously? Game on cowboy! We can do this! I know several knowledgeable people you can talk to that will eviscerate the idiocy of the arguments made by the people you interviewed! Give me a fucking week! I'm all over this shit!
Week is over.
No one stepped up.
What is up with the anti F-35 community?
Most talk shit in private but are scared to step up? Amazing! What was that? You ask why don't I do it? Easy! Because I know generalities but I'm not an aviation guy. I don't know the in's and out's well enough to make the case.
If you want to know why the anti F-35 people might lose this fight......This is why. The geeks that know this shit are fucking cowards.
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