Wednesday, June 14, 2017

SAIC/ST Kinetics late on delivering their ACV contender to the Marine Corps!

via Inside Defense.
The Marine Corps and Science Applications International Corp. have agreed the company must deliver 16 next-generation amphibious vehicle prototypes by the end of August -- a date later than the original schedule because of technical problems with the trucks. The company has delivered six vehicles to the service, SAIC spokeswoman Monty Vest wrote in a June 9 statement to Inside the Navy . The other vendor competing for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle Increment 1.1 competition, BAE Systems, has delivered 13...
And the rest is behind a freaking paywall!


This is not how you win a contract!  What is SAIC thinking?  What the hell is wrong with ST Kinetics?  I really thought more highly of both companies but this is a massive fail and puts them behind the eight ball.

Not delivering on contract at the very start of testing?  Totally unsat. They better hope their offering can pleasure the driver, destroy Main Battle Tanks, dance on waves and cost pennies on the dollar in order to overcome this fubar.

Of course that's overstating things but you get the point.  This ain't good.

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