Thursday, June 29, 2017

Six Soldiers Killed at Saudi Base by Yemeni Missile Attack! Oh you thought that fight was over?

via Press TV.
Yemeni army soldiers, backed by fighters from allied Popular Committees, have conducted a fresh missile attack against a military base in Saudi Arabia’s southern Najran region, killing six Saudi soldiers.

The Arabic-language al-Masirah television network reported on Thursday that the missile hit the al-Shabakah base.

Yemeni forces carried out a similar attack on the al-Farizah military base in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern Jizan region, which set the post on fire, the report added.

The Yemeni forces have recently stepped up their retaliatory assaults against Riyadh’s deadly war on the impoverished country.

Separately on Thursday, a Yemeni military source reported intense clashes between militants loyal to former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, and Houthi Ansarullah fighters in the Sirwah district of the central Ma'rib Province.

Six pro-Hadi militants and 14 Houthi fighters lost their lives in the clashes over the past 24 hours, the source added.

Yemen's Khabar news agency said a high-ranking pro-Hadi commander was among the casualties of the Ma'rib scuffles.

Other reports said dozens of Saudi mercenaries had been killed in the clashes.
Story here. 

I don't see how the Saudi position is tenable.  They're engaged in fighting in Yemen, they're hip deep in the issues in Iraq/Syria and they have that brewing trouble with Qatar along with a huge dose of palace intrigue at home.

How does the house of Saud survive this?

I hope some smart lad in the bowels of the Pentagon is war-gaming this stuff.  What do we do if that govt collapses?

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