Friday, July 14, 2017

Bastille Day 2017. UPDATED!!!!

The Bastille day parades just wrapped up (if I'm reading things right) and to all my French readers...Have a good one (do you say Happy Bastille Day?).

Trump is on deck and the US military is participating in the celebration which kinda leads to something I'd like to point out.  First, check out the pic below.

The US has the Thunderbirds doing a flyover along with an F-22.  The troops parading appear to be a mix from all four services with the largest contingent being from the Army.

Good stuff and generally nicely done.

But this is a formal affair and these guys are in boots and utes.  You see a few in chucks but they're not up to the standard of the hosts (who are all in some pretty flamboyant type of dress uniform).  I know everyone hates to don the dress uniform but this might be one of those occasions where it's a necessity.

But forget all that.  Nicely done and we can improve next year.


I'm human.  When corrected the fur on the back gets roused.  This time?  Quite pleased.  I screwed up the Google search for this event and got parade practice pics.  I erroneously thought that it was the actual parade and wondered why they would attend in boots and utes.

Happily I was incorrect.  Dress uniforms (at least for the Army contingent) but they all look fantastic.  Nicely done.  Well done!

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