Friday, July 07, 2017

IDF shows off latest gear, says prepared for 'any war'...

via Jerusalem Post.
“The army is in a completely different place than it was in 2014,” he said at a briefing with reporters in central Israel, adding, “If a war breaks out on both the northern and Gaza borders, the IDF is ready.”

As part of the five-year Gideon Plan, the military has invested millions of shekels in building up supplies for combat operations, including ammunition, fuel, food, replacement parts and training schools, the senior officer said. The army has also invested a significant sum into upgrading its tactical truck fleet, which is nearly 60 years old.

The IDF on Thursday held a demonstration of the new armored fighting vehicle, the Eitan – which is set to enter operational use for infantry battalions in the coming year – as well as of an autonomous Humvee.
Story here. 

Do you get the force of connection in the part that I highlighted?  This isn't an empty statement.  The IDF is actually building up its stockpile of gear for a war.

No new vehicles with new training required.

A concentration on logistics assets too...but if you don't believe that check out this other part of the same article.
“We are buying what we need and we are buying the right things,” he said, giving the example of purchasing more shells instead of new tanks.
Follow the link and read the whole thing.  One thing is certain though.  Everywhere we look the war drums are beating.  Below are pics of the Eitan APC, a remote control Humvee with RWS and an uparmored D9.

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