Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Talisman Sabre 2017 and what we didn't cover...4/25 Airborne op...pics by 1st Lt. Allison Egan

This is a Canadian bubba.  Haven't seen anything on their social media...I'll take another look around the web....

Hmm...fucking Colonel out the door first?  Plus he doesn't have that deer in the headlights look so either he's done this before or he's snorting diazepam with his morning coffee?  Good stuff! Lead the way Mother Fucker!...wait...don't see a Ranger Tab...

Ok...this is more of what I expected.  Jump Master is cool as the other side of the pillow but you can start to see the heart levels rise...it's to be expected, ya can't keep the chill pill look when you can see the sky....

Tucked, good and tight, gear ain't flopping...looks like a good exit...I wonder what the landing will be like...gets windy in Australia, especially in the Northern Territory....hope God's with him....

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