Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Your Daily Motivational. 0311 and Proud!

Thanks to Terrence for the link!

0311 and Proud.
Do I look like I’m enjoying it?

Hell, yeah! There’s no amount of time, money, wine or women that I would trade for being an 0311. Earning the title of Marine was cool and all that and I’m proud to be a Marine but I swear to the ghost of Chesty Puller and Dan Daly that being an 0311 is the best job in the world.

Where can you shoot guns, drink endlessly, hang out with all your closest friends, rip cigs, party, workout, hate yourself and everything around and still somehow laugh about it?

That’s right, being a damn 0311. For me being an 0311 was like being a member of a cult. An underpaid, oversexed, overworked, overseas cult.

The worst times I had (that last picture was definitely high on the list) were the best moments of my life. -35 and the worst blizzard to hit Hokkaido in 20 years? Bring it on Mother Nature, get ready to piss your panties ’cause nothing is holding us back. 130 degrees of hellish heat? They call us Devil Dogs for a reason, we come from what your nightmares are made of. Might as well call me Noah because I’ve been through 40 days and 40 nights of rain.

You might ride in a car everywhere you go but I’ll be reppin’ them brown Cadillacs.
Go here to read it all!  YOU MUST read this all....good stuff!