Tuesday, September 12, 2017

F-35 By the Numbers

This is a serious piece of propaganda.

What stood out to me?

1.  100,000 flight hours fleet wide and they still haven't gotten this thing to work right?  We should be impressed and its still not ready?  They definitely didn't think that talking point thru.

2.  The early and in my opinion illegal IOC declaration (Dunford has forever tarnished his legacy with that move and the lack of clarity in Afghanistan/Iraq) is a serious bragging point for them.  I wonder why?  Everyone knows that in the way that it was done it's meaningless.  Maybe they expect to fool those in the public that don't follow the program?  Regardless they sure chest thump about the USMC/USAF IOC declaration.

3.  250 planes delivered now and 1000 plus by 2022?  That sounds stupidly optimistic but maybe they know something I don't.  I do know that they're wrecking the Marine Corps budget even more.  The longer the F-35 resides in limbo land the longer the trainwreck extends for the Marines.  Think about it. The Corps has been in budget funk land since 2003.  Why?  Because the F-35 is the logjam.  They can't clear other projects until they get the F-35 solved. The order has been set.  F-35 first.  CH-53K second.  ACV third.  They've stuck to that and if they can't remain on schedule then the CH-53K will be further delayed pushing back the ACV.

Other than that this vid will fool many.